
[Privacy Policy]

ANGAMES Co., Ltd (hereinafter “Company”) considers the personal information of its members precious, and is doing its best to protect such information provided to the Company after members start using ANGAMES services. The Company is fully compliant with the Law on the Promotion of Information and Communication Network Use and Protection of Information and other regulations on the protection of personal information. Through its policies for handling personal information, the Company describes how such data is used and what measures are taken to protect it.

The Company should post its privacy policy on the homepage (or official web café) operated by the Company, so that members can easily check it whenever they want.

When the policies for handling personal information are revised, the Company immediately announces them with version numbers and dates of revision granted. This is to allow members to easily understand what has been revised. Members are advised to frequently visit our site to check for revisions.

Article 1 [General provisions]

1. Personal information is data on an existing person that others can use to identify that person.

2. The Company greatly values the protection of personal information, and complies with related laws/regulations such as the Law on the Promotion of Information and Communication Network Use and Protection of Information and other guidelines for protecting personal information as announced by the Korea Communications Commission. [RU1]

3. Following any change in related laws/regulations or internal operation policies, the Company can revise its policies for handling personal information. Thereafter, it must immediately announce the reasons for and details of the revisions.

Article 2 [Items of personal information collected and means of collection]

1. When customers use the mobile games of the Company, it collects the following personal information to provide seamless service, build data statistics, etc.

1) Items of personal information collected

  • Data of terminal (e.g., model name, type and version of OS), phone number, information on mobile carrier, records of game use and access, payment records

2) Means of collection

  • When enrolling as a member, playing the game for the first time after purchase, accessing the network, consulting with the customer center, entering an event

Article 3 [Purpose of collecting and using personal information]

1. On the personal information collected, the Company shall use it within the limits of the following purpose announced, and in principle, shall not use it for purposes exceeding the limits or disclose it without prior consent of the user. (Nevertheless, if the user agrees to the disclosure of personal information in advance, if the disclosure of personal information is based on laws/regulations, or if an investigative authority demands the disclosure based on the procedures and means stipulated by laws/regulations, the Company shall disclose the personal information.)

1) To execute the contract for service provision and settle the payment following service

  • Providing contents and customized service, authenticating official purchase, conducting identification, settling payments

2) To manage members - Conducting identification for service use, verifying individuals, preventing fraudulent/unauthorized use, checking intention for authentication, preserving records to settle disputes, handling complaints, delivering announcements, identifying legal representatives for future incidents

3) To use in marketing, advertising and statistics - Developing new services, providing services and conducting advertising based on statistics, checking the validity of service, providing information for advertising, offering opportunities to enter events, grasping the frequency of access, compiling statistics on the use of service

4) Purpose of collecting and using the personal information of legal guardians

  • To check if the legal guardians of children under 14 years old agreed to the collection of personal information, and if the legal guardians of youths under age 20 agreed to the payment

2. The Company shall not deliver commercial advertising information to a member if he/she explicitly shows the intention of rejecting it.

Article 4 [Share and provision of personal information collected]

1. The Company shall use the personal information of its members within the limits announced in purpose of collecting and using personal information. In principle, such data shall not be used for purposes exceeding the limits or disclose it without the prior consent of the user. In case of the following, however, exceptions can be made.

1) In case the user has applied and agreed to an event product/mail delivery using the personal information, and the Company has to assign the delivery of such products, mail or parcel to a delivery service company, or if the Company has to send electronic messages (i.e., email, SMS, MMS or messenger service) to fulfill such applications and the user agreement

2) In case the Company provides the personal information of users to advertisers, partner companies or research groups for the purpose of developing statistics, conducting academic research or surveying markets. In this case, personal information shall have a format that makes specific users unidentifiable

3) In case the Company decides in good faith that laws/regulations require the sharing or provision of personal information (i.e., a governmental agency requests such sharing or provision following a legitimate procedure based on related laws/regulations)

2. In case of the following, the Company may disclose personal information to a third party after user content.

1) To settle the payment for charged contents, the name, phone number, payment information or other data of the user can be provided to a contents provider, open market, mobile carrier or payment company whose services the user used.

2) The personal information of users who participated in various events may be provided to the sponsor of such events.

Article 5 [Period of retaining and using personal information]

1. In principle, the Company shall immediately destroy personal information after fulfilling the purpose of collecting and using personal information. If personal information such as addresses was provided for the entry of events, however, the Company shall retain such information for six months after the end of the events to send related products to and provide customer service for participating users.

2. In case related laws/regulations require the retention of personal information, the Company shall retain personal information for a period set by such laws/regulations as follows.

1) Retained items - The Company shall retain all items described in Clause 1-1, Article 2 of this document.

2) Reasons for such retention based on related laws/regulations Based on the related laws/regulations on customer protection (e.g., laws on commerce and electronic commerce), the Company shall retain user information for a period set by such laws/regulations if such retention is deemed necessary. In this case, the retained information shall only be used for the purpose of retention, and the retention period shall not exceed the period set by the laws/regulations.

Article 6 [Technical & managerial measures to protect personal information]

1. In handling personal information of its members, the Company has established and is operating the following technical and managerial measures to prevent the loss, theft, leak, falsification or damage of personal information and secure safety.

1) Technical measures - The personal information of the users is protected by password. When sending files and data, the Company uses encryption technology to protect them.

  • The Company uses anti-infiltration system to prevent unauthorized access from the outside. To secure safety of the system, the Company is striving to adapt all available technologies and devices.

2) Minimizing the number of employees handling personal information and providing training and education for them - The Company limits the number of employees handling personal information to direct managers, and provides them with separate passwords that are subject to routine updates. By also providing frequent training and education to them, the Company emphasizes the importance of complying with the policies for protecting personal information.

  • The Company makes sure that its employees who handle personal information of members do not damage, infringe or leak such information acquired officially.

Article 7 [Rights of users and legal representatives, and implementation]

1. A user can terminate his/her agreement for collecting personal information by sending written documents/email or calling the manager of personal information. In this case, the Company shall identify the user and take necessary measures such as destroying the personal information unless related laws/regulations prevent this. If personal information is destroyed, the data created and accumulated by the user’s use of the Company’s services can be destroyed along with it.

2. In case the Company has legitimate reasons to deny the perusal of all or part of a user’s personal information or deny a request for correcting it, the user shall be informed of this immediately and given an explanation of such reasons.

3. The legal guardians of children under 14 years old have the same rights described in this Article for their own personal information and that the personal information of the children.

Article 8 [Protection of children’s personal information]

1. In case the Company collects the personal information of a child under 14 years old, the Company shall get the consent of the child’s legal guardian.

2. The consent of legal guardians is used to settle dissatisfaction/disputes between children and the Company related to the contract, withdrawal of subscription, payment, supply of goods and other matters.

3. The legal guardians of children may request the perusal or correction of the children’s personal information or terminate their consent on collecting, using and providing the children’s personal information. Upon such a request, the Company shall take necessary measures without delay.

Article 9 [Rights of users and legal guardians and implementation]

1. Users can terminate their agreement on collecting personal information by sending written documents/email or calling the manager of personal information. In this case, the Company shall identify the user and take necessary measures such as destroying the personal information unless related laws/regulations prevent this. If personal information is destroyed, the information created and accumulated by a user’s use of the Company’s services can be destroyed along with it.

2. In case the Company has legitimate reasons to deny the perusal of all or part of a user’s personal information or deny a request for correcting it, the Company shall inform the user immediately and explain the reasons.

3. The legal guardians of children under age 14 have the same rights described in this Article for their own personal information and that of the children.

Article 10 [Collecting opinions on personal information and handling complaints]

1. On the protection of personal information, the Company has prepared all available procedures and measures to collect the opinions of members and handle their complaints. Referring to the team, name and contact data of the managers described below, members can report their complaints through phone calls or email. Upon receiving such complaints, the Company shall swiftly provide sufficient answers.

1) [Manager of personal information] Name: Andrew JH Park Email: redsun@angames.co.kr

[Manager for children’s protection] Name: HAM YONG JOO Email: dr42@angames.co.kr

2. To report infringement of personal information or receive related consultation, please contact to local related organization.

Article 11 [Duty for announcing change in policies]

The policies for handling personal information are subject to revision, addition or deletion based on the change of governmental policies, company policies and technologies. Announcements, however, shall be sent to users through notice on the service website or email and game alarms (e.g., pushed messages or SMS) at least 10 days prior to such revision, addition or deletion.





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